Mozaikok az 1900-as évektől, Modern anyagok, új problémák fókuszban

Nemzetközi regionális szakmai találkozó a modern mozaikörökség megőrzése és restaurálása kapcsán

Mozaikok az 1900-as évektől, Modern anyagok, új problémák fókuszban

Mozaikok az 1900-as évektől, Modern anyagok, új problémák fókuszban

Nemzetközi regionális szakmai találkozó a modern mozaikörökség megőrzése és restaurálása kapcsán

6th SEE Mosaics Meeting


8-11 October 2024
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Italian mosaicists in France - Between restoration and creation
Véronique Blanc-Bijon1 – Patrick Blanc2
1 Researcher, CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique – Aix Marseille Université, Centre Camille Jullian, Aix-en-Provence, France
2 Restorer, Musée départemental Arles antique, Arles, France

The Alternate History – A Fresh View of the Kosančićev Venac Mosaic in Belgrade, Serbia
Maja Franković1, Nemanja Smičiklas2, Dunja Davidović Gnjatović3, Milena Jovanović4
1PhD, conservator/restorer, counselor
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
2associate professor
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts, Serbia
3,4 conservator technicians
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade

From making to faking ... are some so-called 'Late Roman' mosaics really old?
Peter Berzobohaty
conservator/restorer of mural paintings & mosaic

Gruppo Mosaicisti Ravenna: Mosaic after the Twentieth Century between Art, Conservation, and Sociality
Marco Santi1 - Anna Caterino2
1 Dott., Cultural heritage restorer
Gruppo Mosaicisti Ravenna di Marco Santi
2 Dott.ssa., Cultural heritage conservator
Gruppo Mosaicisti Ravenna di Marco Santi

Traditional vs. modern artefacts – traditional vs. modern conservation?
Eszter Tóth
metal and goldsmith conservator
Hungarian National Museum, Budapest
Head of Specialization of Metal and Goldsmith Objects Conservation
DLA student
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

Industrial materials in restoration and mosaic art in the light of decisions about principles of compatibility and re-restorability
Brigitta Maria Kürtösi
DLA, painting conservator, monument conservator expert, assistant professor
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Conservation Department, Budapest

Art Nouveau funerary architecture with mosaic decoration in the cemeteries of Budapest
Tamás Csáki
PhD, art historian, historian, curator
ELTE University, Budapest, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Art History; Budapest
BHM History Museum, Kiscell Museum, Modern Urban History Department

Reflecting History: The Mosaics of the Culture Palace in Marosvásárhely
Eszter Kiss1 – Brigitta Maria Kürtösi2
Imago Picta, Tirgu Mures, Romania
2DLA, painting conservator, monument conservator expert, assistant professor
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Conservation Department, Budapest

Conservation and reconstruction of the fire-damaged glass mosaic decoration of the interior of the Art Nouveau palace in Bratislava, Slovakia
Barbora Viková1 - Petr Hampl2
1MgA, restorer, assistant, PhD student
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration, Studio of Restoration and Conservation of Wall Paintings, Sgraffito and Mosaics Litomyšl, Czech Republic
Atelier mozaiky
2visual artist, restorer

Linseed oil – its role and identification in mosaic mortars
Pavla Bauerová1, Magdalena Kracík Štorkánová2, Petra Mácová3, Dita Frankeová4, Zuzana Slížková5, Martin Keppert6
1Mgr. PhD Mosaic material researcher, geologist
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 809/76, 190 00 Praha 9,
Czech Republic
2Mga. PhD Mosaic restorer
Art & Craft MOZAIKA z.s., Kapitulní 262/21, 252 62 Únětice, Czech Republic
3,4,5 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 809/76, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic
6 Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Typology of glass tesserae used for mosaic production in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia during the 20th century
Irena Kučerová
Chemists of monument conservation - chemical technology, lecturer
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation

Use of plastic materials in mosaic art. The dilemmas and challenges in conservation
Miklós Ernő Balázs
Dr. habil, mosaic artist, monument conservator expert

A Neoavantgard innovation, the „Photomosaics” of Miklós Erdély
Kinga Veress1 – Brigitta Maria Kürtösi2
1 art historian-museologist
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism, Budapest
2DLA, painting conservator, monument conservator expert, assistant professor
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Conservation Department, Budapest

Research and protective procedures carried out on the mosaic by Edo Murtić in front of the "Kockica" in Zagreb
Toni Šaina
MA, senior conservator-restorer
Croatian Conservation Institute, Division for Branch Departments 3, Department for Wall Paintings and Mosaics, Rijeka, Croatia

Relocation of modern wall mosaics
Malu Storch
Mosaik Spechte

Planning the conservation-restoration project – contemporary wall mosaic from the Clinical Hospital Centre in Split, Croatia
Antonija Gluhan1 - Ivana Jerković2
1 PhD, conservator-restorer
Croatian Conservation Institute
2 conservator-restorer
Croatian Conservation Institute

“The New Heritage”: a preservation attempt for the façade monumental art (1960s-1989) from Bulgaria
Alessandro Lugari1, Elena Kantareva Decheva2, Angela Pencheva3
1 PhD, conservator of marble and mosaics
Archaeological Park of Colosseum, Rome, Italy
2 PhD conservator, associate professor
Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Art, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3 PhD, archaeologist
Balkan Heritage Foundation

Blue or red? Decision making in conservation of 1980’s glass mosaic on aluminium support
Jan Vojtěchovský
Mgr. art, PhD, restorer, assistant professor, Vice-dean of Foreign Affairs
University of Pardubice, faculty of restoration, Studio of Restoration and Conservation of Wall Paintings, Sgraffito and Mosaics Litomyšl, Czech Republic

Analysis of the state of conservation and endangerment of mosaics from the socialist era (1945-1990) in Slovenia
Blaž Šeme
PhD, conservator-restorer, assistant professor
University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design ALUO, Department of Restoration

20th-century mosaics in Georgia: Policies & Practices for Preservation
Nini Palavandishvili
Curator, researcher
Independent scholar

Czechoslovak mosaics and the growing interest in their preservation
Magdalena Kracík-Storkánová1 - Pavla Bauerová2
1Mga. PhD Mosaic restorer
Art & Craft MOZAIKA z.s., Kapitulní 262/21, 252 62 Únětice, Czech Republic
2Mgr. PhD Mosaic material researcher, geologist
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 809/76, 190 00 Praha 9,
Czech Republic

Restoration of the mosaics on the monument to the fallen soldiers and victims of fascism in Plovanija, Croatia
Matko Kezele1 - Tea Trumbić2
1mosaic artist and restorer
Croatian Conservation Institute

Ukrainian Soviet monumental mosaics under double threat of destruction
Yevheniia Moliar
PhD, art-historian
Technische Universität Berlin

The story of SEE Mosaics
Branislava Lazarević Tošović1 – Maja Franković2
1 Archaeologist conservator
2PhD, conservator/restorer, counselor
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade


Lost treasure found
Marijana Protić
painting-conservator/restorer, adviser
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

The memorial “Glavnjača” case study: Modern mosaic restoration amidst the construction site
Dunja Davidović Gnjatović1, Maja Franković2, Dušan Maksimović3
1conservator technician
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
2PhD, conservator/restorer, counselor
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
3conservator technician
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade

Preservation vs. Profit: The Battle Over 'Beogradjanka' Mosaic and Cultural Heritage in Belgrade
Nemanja Smičiklas1, Marijana Protić2, Miloš Djuran
1associate professor
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts, Serbia
2painting-conservator/restorer, adviser
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Restoration of a glass mosaic from a private collection by the artist Edo Murtić
Matko Kezele
mosaic artist and restorer

Restoration of mosaics using modern materials
Filip Janković1, Marijana Protić2, Nemanja Smičiklas3
1 painting conservator/restorer-expert associate
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
2 painting-conservator/restorer, adviser
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
3 associate professor
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts, Serbia

The reconstruction of “Panik”
Emír Kapetanović
restorer of archaeological materials
National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Preventive conservation of mosaics and columns in the assembly of the Roman villa at Košljun hill in Novalja, Croatia
Martina Rajzl
Senior conservator-restorer
Archaeological Museum Zadar, Croatia

Mosaics of Felix Romuliana, Galerius’s Palace, the end of 3rd- the beginning of 4th century AD
Maja Zivić
PhD, archaeologist
National Museum in Zaječar, Serbia

Contemporary approaches in the protection of mosaics as an important segment of cultural heritage
Dobrila Vlahović
MSc Arch. conservator restorer, expert consultant for immovable cultural heritage
Ministry of Culture of Montenegro

Fabulous Mosaics - The Palace Mosaic of Constantinople ... and other Amazing Mosaics
Peter Berzobohaty
conservator/restorer of mural paintings & mosaic

Mozaikok az 1900-as évektől, Modern anyagok, új problémák fókuszban

Nemzetközi regionális szakmai találkozó a modern mozaikörökség megőrzése és restaurálása kapcsán

Mozaikok az 1900-as évektől, Modern anyagok, új problémák fókuszban