Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)

Projekt title: Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)
Project-Nr.: 2023-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000156007


The implementation period of the project: 01.10.2023-31.03.2026
Project coordinator Theater Lilarum
The ‘maximum grant amount’ of the consortium is: 120 000 €
Grant amount of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts: 24 940 €

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

IPMAU is a pilot project for an innovative, modular, transdisciplinary and contemporary puppet theater training for art students.

The aim of the project is to open art universities to the art form and the art form to transnational impulses at the intersection of performing and visual arts. Through mutual learning experiences between students, teachers and artists, university and artistic exchange is intensified and a dense network is built, which serves as a basis for the further development of the model.

The central element is the development and testing of one basic and two focus-modules that can be integrated into the existing curricula of various fine art universities. As a first step, a list of thematic focuses is drawn up, on the basis of which the modules are developed. The students' results and works are presented in public events. The contents and results of the project will receive public attention through a video campaign and a concluding “mini-congress”.

The evaluated and revised module curricula will be published and actively disseminated for free use by European art universities. The collection of focal points serves as the basis for an expanded follow-up project. The universities, the students, the participating theatres and their audiences, as well as the art form of puppet theatre in general, benefit from the networking, the artistic exchange, the campaign accompanying the project and the discussion of European topics.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

Successful Participation in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

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Successful Participation in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

Adam Williamson: Geometric & Arabesque Pattern workshop

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Location: Yunus Emre Turkish Institute

Adam Williamson: Geometric & Arabesque Pattern workshop


The transnational meeting of the IPMAU (Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities) project, which took place from 15-17 May 2024, was successfully concluded...


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From Wicker to Spider Threads – Performance by Argentinian sculptor Claudia Aranovich

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From Wicker to Spider Threads – Performance by Argentinian sculptor Claudia Aranovich

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)

Project-Nr.: 2023-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000156007

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)


Project title: Differences – Artistic Research in the European Union ‘EU4ART_differences’


Our university participates in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

On the initiative and under the professional guidance of the Department of Intermedia, our University has successfully applied for the V4 GEN Mini-Grant supported by the International Visegrad Fund...

Our university participates in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

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Successful application from the University

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The Hungarian University of Fine Arts and National Taiwan University of Arts have Signed an MOU to Promote International Art Exchange

A professional visit to Argentina

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A professional visit to Argentina

Claudia Presa Cesarini's concert and visual representations of the dimensions of music by Paula Castro Carralero

Event date: 23 November 2023, 19.00.

Claudia Presa Cesarini's concert and visual representations of the dimensions of music by Paula Castro Carralero

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The Rector of HUFA visited South Korea

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