A professional visit to Argentina

A professional visit to Argentina

A professional visit to Argentina

The Rector of our University participated in a professional trip to Argentina from 13 to 17 November. Organised by the MRK (Hungarian Rectors' Conference), the participating rectors visited a number of private and public universities to gain experience and networking opportunities, and had the opportunity to meet representatives of 38 Argentine universities in a large-scale meeting. The Hungarian rectors were also greeted by the Argentine Minister of Education and promised that Argentina would support the travel expenses of students coming to Hungary under the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme.

The visit to the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and the networking there was the most important part of the week for HUFA. With 30,000 students, the university's Faculty of Arts offers their students high quality courses and has excellent exhibition spaces. UNITREF and our university have signed an IIA (Inter-Institutional Agreement) in the hope of submitting a joint project proposal to the 2024 Erasmus+ 171 international credit mobility call, which will provide the funding for mobility between the two institutions.

Our Rector, Dr. István Erős, gave a presentation to colleagues at UNTREF - organized by the UNTREF Doctoral School - on the topic of Nature Art, which was followed online by students at various locations of the university.

We look forward to fruitful contacts with Argentina in the future, and to the opportunity for our faculty and students to visit this extraordinarily beautiful South American country.


Successful Participation in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

A Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem sikeresen részt vett a Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap által támogatott V4 GEN Mini-Grant pályázaton...

Successful Participation in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

Adam Williamson: Geometric & Arabesque Pattern workshop

Date: 1st - 2nd June, 2024
Location: Yunus Emre Turkish Institute

Adam Williamson: Geometric & Arabesque Pattern workshop


The transnational meeting of the IPMAU (Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities) project, which took place from 15-17 May 2024, was successfully concluded...


6th SEE Mosaics Meeting


6th SEE Mosaics Meeting

From Wicker to Spider Threads – Performance by Argentinian sculptor Claudia Aranovich

Date: 24 May 2024, 10-11:30 am
Location: MKE Epreskert, Kő Pál Hall

From Wicker to Spider Threads – Performance by Argentinian sculptor Claudia Aranovich

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)

Project-Nr.: 2023-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000156007

Interdisciplinary Puppetry Modules for Art Universities (IPMAU)


Project title: Differences – Artistic Research in the European Union ‘EU4ART_differences’


Our university participates in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

On the initiative and under the professional guidance of the Department of Intermedia, our University has successfully applied for the V4 GEN Mini-Grant supported by the International Visegrad Fund...

Our university participates in V4 GEN Mini-Grant project

Residency programme – HAB AIR

A pályázat benyújtásának határideje: 2024. január 31. 24.00 óra

Residency programme – HAB AIR

Promenadology course at the University!

From February 2024, Georg Winter, a visiting professor from Germany, will spend a semester at our university, funded by the Ludwig Sponsorship Award.

Promenadology course at the University!

Successful application from the University

The Council of Ambassadors has approved the Hungarian University of Fine Arts' application to the International Visegrad Fund for a V4 GEN MiniGrant.

Successful application from the University

The Hungarian University of Fine Arts and National Taiwan University of Arts have Signed an MOU to Promote International Art Exchange

Prof. Dr István Erős, the Rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (HUFA), paid a visit to the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA).

The Hungarian University of Fine Arts and National Taiwan University of Arts have Signed an MOU to Promote International Art Exchange

A professional visit to Argentina

The Rector of our University participated in a professional trip to Argentina from 13 to 17 November.

A professional visit to Argentina

Claudia Presa Cesarini's concert and visual representations of the dimensions of music by Paula Castro Carralero

Event date: 23 November 2023, 19.00.

Claudia Presa Cesarini's concert and visual representations of the dimensions of music by Paula Castro Carralero

The Rector of HUFA visited South Korea

The Rector of HUFA visited South Korea

Exhibition of works by students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts opened in Timișoara

Exhibition of works by students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts opened in Timișoara

The HUFA stand at the Art Market was very popular

The HUFA stand at the Art Market was very popular