Arcus Temporum Art Festival of the Pannonhalma Abbey, Our - Lady Chapel, Renewal - 2022

Arcus Temporum Art Festival of the Pannonhalma Abbey, Our - Lady Chapel, Renewal - 2022
Time: 26-28. 08. 2022
Location: Arcus Temporum Festival of the Pannonhalma Abbey
One of our last mobility program occurred at Pannonhalma, part of the Arcus Temporum Art festival.
The three days workshops connected with the keyword of the festival, Renewal, and with the exhibition in the Our-Lady Chapel.
The performance of the eu4art students got framed from the tableau vivant of Csenge Gyopar LIKSAY and Flórián TAKÁCS. They worked together with Marcel MAROSFALVY, Zoltán VISNYAI, and Ieva STALSENE on two scenes from the Bible.
The first one was the Pieta, which connected to the photo of Boglárka ZELLEI in the chapel/exhibition.
The second was Mary Margaret meets Jesus in the garden, which closed the group performance next to the building.
The Group performance was directed by two students of the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Simon REGŐS and Atanáz BABINCHAK, and pictured the five stages of Grief from Lost to Renewal.