Summer School - PAINTING

Summer School - PAINTING
Location: Tihany
Date: 04. 12-18. 2023
The "Summer School" workshop series, jointly organised by the EU4ART partners, was a pilot programme to test the common artistic pedagogical model developed over the last three years in the picturesque setting of the MKE Tihany Artists' Village.
The spring workshop programme, based on a common curriculum, was organised by professors from the four partner institutions as well as professors from the new partner universities. The three 5-day workshop series were attended by students and teachers from the Graphic Arts, Painting and Sculpture Departments.
PAINTING was the subject of the second period.
Lecturers and trainers involved in the organisation and delivery of the event:
Hungarian University of Fine Arts: Tayler Patrick Nicolas, Dominika Drotos
HfBK Dresden University of Fine Arts: Manuel Kirsch
Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma: Pierluigi Calignano
Latvijas Makslas Akademija: Andris Vītoliņš
Speakers: Csaba Filp, László Lelkes, Zoltán Ötvös, Chilf Mária, Tayler Patrick, Manuel Krishck, Pierluigi Calignano
During the 5 days, the participants made a field trip to Imre Bak's exhibition in Füred. Thanks to the students' daily presentations, they had the opportunity to get to know each other's work and way of thinking, complemented by a workshop by Nicolas Tayler Patrick and Manuel Krishck, and lectures by Csaba Filp, László Lelkes, Zoltán Ötvös and Mária Chilf.
DRÓTOS Dominika, HORNIÁK Júlia, TAKÁCS Flórián, PÓLUS Fanni, CSONTOS Orsolya, POLNER Eszter Dorottya, DEMETER Nóra Zsófia, MOHÁCSI Luca, JÓGA Eszter, Lilla ZARANDY, Gleb Konkin-von SEREBROWSKI, Barbara DAISENBERGE, Malin HACKER, Annika SCHWARZ, Alexander WILHELM, Anastasija NORENKO, Marta AGOSTINI, Aurora VINCI, Irene SAI, Nicole MALONDA, Gea Maria Cecilia IOGA, Oskars MŪRNIEKS, Stīna SKULME, Beatrise Madara ČERŅAVSK, Evelīna Paula ZANDERE, Signija JOCE, Renāte PAGASTE, Eni DUKA, Dorian LIÇKOLLARI, Roksana MANZI, Samela BALAZI, Anrol SHUKULLI, Klea AZUNI, Orkida CEKINI, Emanuela KULLA, Griselda KULA, Stelina NEBIU, Erald NEZAJ, Renid TOSUNI