Our students could attend two-week express courses in the spring/autumn semesters 2021-2022.

Our students could attend two-week express courses in the spring/autumn semesters 2021-2022.
Roma (Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma): 2022. június 6 – 17.
Riga (Art Academy of Latvia): 2022. március 28 – április 8.
Drezda (HfBK Dresden): 2022. február 28 – március 11.
The main aim of the two-week Express courses was an active cultural and technical exchange between the sister universities. During these short periods, students were given the opportunity to explore other pedagogical and educational perspectives and new techniques. The trips also gave them the opportunity to present their own artistic practice to the international scene and to network with students and teachers from abroad. Unfortunately, the covid -19 made several trips difficult and there were occasions when they were cut short.
Excerpts from the questionnaires on travel:
“It's great to have this opportunity, I recommended everyone to sign up next time. I would love to go back to Dresden, even for half a year. “
“It was certainly useful. Both the theoretical and practical side. We got to hear lectures from great teachers (artist, and art historyans) and we could get feed backs for our works.In Rome I was filled with museums and in Procida I was overflowed with the island itself.I arrived back in Budapest totally inspired.”